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  • MyAssignmentHelpAu
  • 14 Jul 2019

Come New Year, we all make resolutions, but how many of us are able to fulfill those goals for the whole year? Almost no one except a few. Research at the University of Hertfordshire uncovered that about half of individuals make New Year's goals that incorporate a significant objective, yet over 78% of individuals will neglect to keep up their focus and accomplish that objective. Sometimes we may not even recall what goals have we set. Be it life goals, gym goals, travel goals, or career goals or any target that we have set, and we are unable to reach that goal. Why does this happen? Why are we not able to maintain our goals? Do we lack willpower or something else?

Do you struggle with reaching your goals? The reality is that most people do struggle. The only reason why goals stop working is when we, who have set the goal choose to give up midway. When you set goals, you tend to have the best intentions undoubtedly. We make a path to succeed in these goals, and when we do, we try to reap all the benefits that come with our success and the critical decisions that have paved the way to triumph. However, there is an inevitable factor that you may fail to account for when you set your goal. That factor is life itself. Just when you realize that you are prepared to take the necessary decisions and make those crucial changes; life happens, and you can't stay concentrated on your objectives. It is quite likely that on your path to achieving your goal, you may be obstructed due to particular circumstances. I believe that this is the case with every person. This also turns out to be the main reason why we lose momentum leading to a loss of confidence and motivation.

What Can You Do Differently?

What I have come to realize is that every person who sets a goal can also achieve it. It is no big deal. We know that this requires hard work, but apart from this, we forget about certain factors that we may consider irrelevant. By implementing these means from the start, you will be increasingly centered, determined, and motivated. In such a scenario, you realize soon that you are gaining ground towards your objectives; thus, you will stick to it and see that it is completed.

Narrow Your List of Goals

Setting goals is great, but, if you have too many of them, then you will lose your focus. You will see that you are getting distracted from each of your goals to accomplish the other and ultimately not achieving any. Therefore instead of having too many goals, narrow down your goals to 2-3 significant goals for any given time period and stick to them. Even your daily targets should not be more than 1 or 2. Try not to bother yourself with other goals until and unless you have achieved your prior goals. Sometimes all of the targets seem equally essential to fulfill. In such a case, identify which purpose can be completed in a shorter span of time with maximum and sure output. This helps in building confidence for other set targets.

Record, Measure and Document your Progress

When you set a goal, the very first thing you should decide is how to measure your progress. Now, why is that you should measure your progress? Measuring progress is imperative to see if you are taking the right steps in the right direction and if not, then the need for corrective actions. Try to lose the fact that you must be perfect because that is the biggest reason why people generally procrastinate and fail to take necessary action to progress in achieving their goals. You may lose sight of what can be improved and how to track if you are going wrong. When you track your progress, you will make some necessary changes to stay on your path. The quicker you detect the problem, the quicker you are able to solve it.

Follow a proper Time Management System

Managing time is not everyone's cup of tea. Divide your goals according to the time-dependent urgency and importance. Narrow out the time to be given to each goal that you have set such that the goals are either necessary or urgent, both or neither. Have a flexible schedule.

As soon as you reach one goal, set the next

Keep setting new goals. As soon as you accomplish your first goal, move ahead to other significant goals. Start with a small target that you know you can achieve and maintain throughout. The key is to keep working towards something relevant, something big that builds your confidence piece by piece. Every goal is leading to some other new goal so that you may never think that accomplishing a goal is 'an end.' See that end as the beginning of a new journey and think about how many journeys you have already made that have led you here.

Recognize progress and reward it

What happens when you have achieved your goal? Do you give up thinking that the goal is achieved and now there is nothing more to do? Do you feel satisfied with what you have achieved, or do you want to accomplish more? Time gets irrelevant in this case. When you complete a goal, you create a milestone in your life; reward yourself for working so hard to get there. Now make that milestone the beginning of your next goal and work harder on it. The goals in a person's life may be of diverse nature, but they are interconnected to each other in some way.

Self Awareness

On the journey of achieving our goals, we become conscious of every decision that we make that affects our path to success. Every decision of our daily life eventually fits into the bigger picture. Sometimes we forgo or oversee these decisions thinking that how will these irrelevant and small decisions affect our ultimate goal. Now imagine you are on a diet, you go out and have a little slice of cake thinking what this small piece of cake going to affect is and you eat it. Now the next day when you are in the gym, working out, you realize that you have to work extra because of the cake that you had yesterday. This makes you realize to value the smallest of decisions and what repercussions these might have. Therefore you need to be self-aware because the loss of it is the most significant factor in preventing us from achieving our goals.

Find Inspiration Wherever You Can

Most of the time, it gets difficult to stay on track when you lose motivation or the drive inside of you. Find your ways of bringing that desire and fire back to achieve your goal. Whenever in despair or feeling desolated, try to listen to inspiring content on YouTube, TED Talks, or other inspirational sources and seek out how and who has achieved their big goals. They will discuss their struggles, and you will be able to relate to them, and you might even get ideas on how to work, in which way, to achieve and maintain your goals. First day at the university? Read how to make it remarkable.

Don't think that achieving a goal is similar to maintaining a goal. The cruel truth is that a great many people will neglect to accomplish their objectives. These disappointments will once in a while, be because of an absence of knowledge or abilities. All things considered, in a rushed world, most of us battle to remain concentrated on our objectives. Whenever you would prefer not to be one of these individuals, you should figure out how to stay focused on your goals. When you set goals, you feel stimulated and confident, however, this rapidly blurs away when you neglect your objectives. You can keep up your energy and inspiration to make your dreams work out as expected with these motivating and straightforward steps. In the event that you implement these systems from the earliest starting point, you will remain concentrated on your objectives and improve the probability of effectively accomplishing those targets.

To be truly victorious in accomplishing your objectives in the long term, you should grasp the fact that greatness is a voyage without an end. It is critical to have due dates; it is imperative to have rewards; it is essential to accomplish little successes; however, your ultimate goal is never truly finished.

Greatness is a journey and not a destination.

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