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Table of Contents

Part A.. 3

Part B.. 3

Part C.. 4

References. 5

Part A

The main self-interest bias, which is seen in the case study, is related to the ethical aspect, which is seen in the domain of decision-making. The factors, which majorly include is related to the competitive gain in an area of business, which can even include giving bribes for sanction of a project or an activity. Ethical decision-making sector is crucial in the proper orientation of the working in an organization, which should be involving logic and functional justification.

The main demonstration area is related to the gaining of advantage and how the official tends to achieve something without much of dedication being involved in the sector. The decision-making area relating to ethical aspect is one of the important factors, which plays a significant role in the area of conduction of the business (Iphofen 2016). The making of the right decision is one of the important factors, which can be stated in the context of the video demonstration.

Part B

The main activity, which can be included in overcoming of the self-interest bias, is related to the taking up decision making in a proper and ethical manner. In most of the cases business personal tend to take the other way of unethical activity which can include gaining bribes and taking up decision which are not ethical to gain an area which they do not deserve (Abel, MacGlashan and Littman 2016). The thinking process in the context can be stated to be important so that the factor of indulgence seen in the context would not be involving unethical practices involvement. Proper training in the field of decision-making can be considered an important move, which can help a person to easily be indulged in different decision-making sector with the involvement of logic in the sector (Chen, Trevino and Humphrey 2018). The manner of taking up a decision can be crucial so that future sustainability factor can be involved with proper ethics being involved in decision-making sector.

Part C

In recent times, I have faced a situation in which a person who does not have enough of the educational background needed for a job applied in a particular organization. As seen from the educational ground which prevails in the person the job application should have been rejected. However, to my thinking and seeing, I saw that the person was selected for the job role. This scenario helped me to understand that the candidate has been giving bribes to the official people of the organization so that selection process would be in the favor of the individual. I have clearly encountered an area of unethical decision making from the end of the organization as well as from the individual area of working (Shapiro and Stefkovich 2016). This area of decision making not only puts a person who is not eligible into a job but on the other hand, the candidate who actually deserves the job would be refrained from joining. In recent times, each of the process involved in real life according to me should be done on the bases of ethical thinking so that the overall process, which is linked to the sector, is authenticated. In the sector of management, it can be stated that the indulgence factor, which is related to the context of decision-making, is very much important. One of the major disadvantages, which can be stated in the context, is related to the impact on the future suitability. According to me if unethical means of achieving something is implemented in the working, the factor of sustainability, which is seen in the context, would not be proper. One should be always including in decision making which would be better for the future.


Abel, D., MacGlashan, J. and Littman, M.L., 2016, March. Reinforcement learning as a framework for ethical decision making. In Workshops at the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Chen, A., Trevino, L.K. and Humphrey, S., 2018, July. Moral Advocacy, Emotional expression, and Group Ethical Decision Making. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 10912). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

Iphofen, R., 2016. Ethical decision making in social research: A practical guide. Springer.

Shapiro, J.P. and Stefkovich, J.A., 2016. Ethical leadership and decision making in education: Applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas. Routledge.


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