E-commerce, which is defined as purchasing and selling of services or products through the electronic platform, such as the network of computer system and the internet, plays a very important role in the marketing strategies of contemporary organizations (Strauss and Frost, 2008). Although e-marketing is a new concept that resulted from improved technology and the revolution of the internet, it is becoming an important aspect in the global marketing arena, and many organizations are embracing it to expand their customer base, improve sales, advertise new products, and to save money.
There are several literatures that try to offer insight on the development and application of ecommerce in businesses. According to the study carried out by the Pei-Fang Hsu (2013) on “Commodity or competitive advantage? Analysis of the ERP value paradox”, a firm that has enabled e-business needs a great support from a well structured ERP system (enterprise resource planning), which is imperative in the provision of data. However, a large proportion of business organizations state that despite their robust investment in enterprise resource planning system, they discovered that it did not offer competitive advantage, new orders and new profits as stated by vendors of the ERP system. The result of the study shows that the resources possessed by the organization, such as change management policy and managerial skills contribute greatly to organization’s success than the IT role, such as e-commerce marketing. However, the study recommends that integration of organization resources and information technology capabilities are essential in providing organizations with a competitive advantage.
The article on “The role of atmospheric cue in online impulse-buying behavior” by Floh, and Madlberger (2013) show that the S-O-R model (stimulis –organism-response) highlights the impulse buying behavior of the consumers, and is instrumental in the high levels of ecommerce purchases among the consumers. The finding of the study shows that by using S-O-R Model on the basis of consumer impulse buying patterns, e-marketing is essential in marketing, increasing consumer buying, and advanced sales promotion.
Basing on the study and comparing it with the research question, it is evident that e-commerce has played a key role in enhancing the fundamentals of marketing, thus defeating the notion that marketing is no longer essential in an organization. E-marketing or digital marketing does not exist in a vacuum or isolation, but it is part of the whole marketing of a business organization (Strauss and Frost, 2008). However, the digital marketing has undeniable resulted in new aspects to the whole marketing. There are several aspects that can prove that the value of marketing has been enhanced and modernized the whole marketing system.
The internet, through the e-marketing portfolio has enhanced transparency upon businesses and brands. Currently, it is the consumer who controls the brand, and is no longer controlled by the media. This loss by the media to the consumers means businesses must develop authentic communication modalities and must uphold the sense of self in a competitive environment. In the information and digital age, what marketers require most is to develop a strong brand through e-commerce platform (Reedy and Schullo, 2004).
Currently, enhancing customer experience should be relentless on the point of focus of modern marketing. The onset of hi-tech technology and internet applications has made the marketing fraternity to emphasize on customer experience. Customer experience has a basis of customer centricity as proven by the products and services that a given organization delivers across to its customers. This emphasizes on the essence and power of great design. As such, e-marketing strategy offers an organization a great opportunity of interactive with many customers at a short time, less cost, and minimal wastage of time (Clarke and Flaherty, 2005).
One of the cons of e-marketing or internet marketing is the ability to reach a large number of customers. The World Wide Web is not only national, but has a global presence. This means that services and products can be both existing and accessible to potential consumers throughout the world. When compared with the conventional types of advertising, e-marketing can reach very many people and can gather data from many potential and existing consumers. Further, it offers consumers with an apt platform of sending emails within a short time and so information can reach very different people within a short time (Kleindl, 2001).
A well planned and effective e-marketing campaign can assist an organization to reach many target customers at a relatively lower cost. When compared with other forms of promotions, it is cost effective and affordable. As such, these factors assist the organization to enhance its marketing practices and develop strategies that can add value to as many customers as possible. Basing on its cost effective approach, it is evident that electronic commerce is essentially a major boost to organization marketing standards (Gopalakrishna, 2010).
E-marketing, which is sometimes referred to as a one to one personalized marketing, can operate 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. With an organization owning a website, customers can easily find out the services and products offered even when the physical premises of the organization have been closed or in cases where there are few physical facilities. Apart from the apt communication techniques, e-marketing can make it easier for the organization monitor the communication of its staff with customers and obtain prompt response from customers (Reedy and Schullo2004).
In conclusion, E-marketing has been essential in modernizing the marketing strategies of organizations and has enhanced communication with customers at low cost. Further, the studies conducted have emphasized the importance of e-marketing in organizations in placing it at a competitive advantage over the other rival organizations. E-marketing has proved helpful in organizations as it reduces the costs of marketing products and increases their accessibility to customers across the world.
- Clarke, I., & Flaherty, T. (2005). Advances in electronic marketing. Hershey PA: Idea Group Pub.
- Floh, A., and Madlberger, M. (2013). The role of atmospheric cues in online impulse-buying behavior. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications.
- Gopalakrishna, D. (2010). Electronic marketing in 21st century. Mumbai: Himalaya Pub.
- Hsu, P. (July 24, 2013). Commodity or competitive advantage? Analysis of the ERP value paradox. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
- Kleindl, B. A. (2001). Strategic electronic marketing: Managing e-business. Cincinnati, Ohio: SouthWestern College Pub.
- Reedy, J., & Schullo, S. (2004). Electronic marketing: Integrating electronic resources into the marketing process. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western.
- Reedy, J., & Schullo, S. (2004). Electronic marketing: Integrating electronic resources into the marketing process. Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western.
- Strauss, J, and Frost, R. (2008). E-Marketing, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.