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Table of Contents

Part A: Why is it useful to think about aging as a lifelong process, not just something that affects older people?. 2

Part B: Have your ideas about your own aging changed after studying Block 3? Explain how and why your ideas have changed or, if your ideas have not changed, why that is. 5

Reference list 7

Part A: Why is it useful to think about aging as a lifelong process, not just something that affects older people?


The concept of aging can be considered as deterioration with respect to time of the psychological functions of human genesis which is important for fertility as well as survival. The concept is growing its awareness among every age group especially in the older aged ones. The following essay would be highlighting the aging concept over later age and thus imply theoretical concepts to provide justifications. In addition, there would be considered the benefits as well as the limitations of aging and its implication over the individuals. The content would mainly highlight the aspects of usefulness of aging and thus its effect on individuals thinking about it.

Concepts and ideas on "Aging on later life" and usefulness about thinking of aging

In terms of De Beauvoir, there are few concepts that prompt one's thinking about aging being a lifelong procedure. According to him, the concept of aging is more secular and showcases the reality of seeking ways in order to deny the negative notions of upgrading ages. One of the primary reasons for this statement is the possibility of recognising the effects of aging and its effects and secondly, the easiness in watching older people being just humans who are with long ages (Laslett, 1989). The existence of biological equality can be evidenced by these approaches. The biological aging is considered to be results of advances within activity of human genes that play in illness that are related to age and thus promote their wellness to a certain limit.

In terms of its effect over older people, the concept of ageism can conspire. It can be referred to as the stereotyping procedure on a systematic track and thus produce discriminations against older individuals (Butler and Lewis, 1973). It generally allows the younger generation to view them as different from themselves; however, they are prone to subtly tease their identification favouring their elders in form of human beings. Here the usefulness factor lies in form of preservation of qualities from the youth generation and thus manage their later on life. However, in opinion of Bytheway, ageism factor is contested as not being equivalent to sexism or racism as there is unavailability of group discriminating (Bytheway and Johnson, 2010).

The concept of age over later life and its usefulness can be contested in favour of third and fourth age. The usefulness of third age can be favoured through freeing as much as possible for pursuing the activities that anyone finds fulfilling on a personal note. On contrary, the fourth age tends to decline of age towards death (Bultena and Powers, 1978). An example of third and fourth age can be considered in favour of Monty Meth and Davies. Monty is 3 years younger than Molly and unlike her; Monty is more pertinent towards his social life and thus being very satisfied with life.

On contrary, Molly is depressive from her social life and is subjected as for being unable to prosper life as she wants to have. Here it can be said that Monty Meth has his aging factor less optimised than that of Molly Davies. Hence Monty can be categorized as in Third Age while Molly can be categorized for being within fourth age. The same can be contested through theory of Life Course. In light of Monty’s aspects, there has been found both biological as well as social chains that have led him to prosper the risks of his life and thus eliminate the inequalities of aging (Jones, 2011). However, in favour of Molly, the factor stays negative as for producing risks on a major scale hampering her aging factor.

Undesirable things occurring when thinking about aging and its effect over older people

One of the undesirable things that can be favoured through concept of aging is discrimination and being effective over both the young and old, highlighting the older ones especially. In terms of discrimination, it can be contested that, the chronological age evidence and that of older person's sight are the most appreciable points of discrimination (Loretto & White, 2006). For example, prejudices are followed against older patients in hospitality sectors. There are factors available such as presumed associations that differentiate between the younger and older ones, and especial legitimate is being used for treating the older ones. In turn it sustains to give them the sense of pleasure that they expect in their nagging times.

Regarding employment aspects, there is also the factor of retirement as an undesirable thing and is judged by the factor of aging (Radl, 2012). An example can be considered in favour of Zeena, 85 years of age, who is with satisfaction from her work life and has been getting healthier payments for making life a better choice. She is within the third age however hr prospects might lead toward the fourth age. While she’s in her third age, other older people who are still under work for fulfilling their financial necessity are with little time for pursuing activities which they find to fulfil their personal needs (Lain, 2012). In terms of Lassetts framework, the other people might seem to be within their second age, while Zena would be within her third age which can be seen with benefit towards Zena.

Hence it can be said that, in case of associating the older people in terms of retirement, there are in dual types of people who are on one side seen with working demands while the others are with re-entering within their paid work after retirement. In these situations, the individuals can be costs to be facing their second age however higher their chronological age may be. The issue of ageist stereotypes can be contested to a major concern for the older peoples which can be stated with both advantages as well as disadvantages (Howlett, 2009).

The reality subtends in favour of older people whether, in poor or best health, lazy or hardworking and so on are considered diverse which is unable to be generalised regarding their identities in form of a worker (Taylor, 2013). In addition, there are also factors such as attitudes that are deemed to be in a mixed condition. This affects the working system and thus promotes disruption of older people’s morale. This is converted as one of biggest disadvantages to older generations and thus promote the factor of ageism, favouring discriminations (Noon et al. 2013). However, voluntary workings are sometimes effective for older people that are contributing to structuring their lives and thus promote their communities triggering a positive sense of existing which is indicative of reducing aging concerns. 

Different types of people benefiting from thinking about aging in form of lifelong process

Different people are present such as older people; younger generation, policymakers, care services, and society are beneficial from thinking about aging. In terms of older people, the fact stays with their opportunity for pursuing their dreams and to have participated in various volunteering and civic activities (Grenier, 2012). On the other hand, however, the factors revert when being contested in favour of young people. The aging concept is an opportunity for them to learn and grab new skills and new knowledge (Wellard, 2012). In addition, there is also alleviation of fears which can be overcome that was impossible during childhoods.

Care services on another hand can leverage better revenue generation to the required individuals and thus promote their aspects with better recognition. In turn, they would be effective for producing personal care along with household chores to the needle and thus promote societal benefits (Midwinter, 2005). Society can leverage the elimination of stereotypes for a better working environment for every sort of age groups available. Elimination of age discrimination can lead the older ones with more profit as they can prosper their dreams and facets without any issue. For the young ones, it would be beneficial for learning new things and thus promote better social well being (Simpson et al. 2012). There also benefited the policymakers on account of the aging. Policymakers can earn more through revising their policies and serve it toward their clients so a to give them the opportunity to proper life issues without any fear and thus promote them financial benefits in case of any loss.


From the above study, it can be concluded that the aging factor is with different viewpoints if considered against the young and older generations. One with better life structure, better opinions, and positive well being is considered to experience the third stage of aging. Against this, the one with negative social life along with having fewer attributes over their dreams that are too fulfilled whether for necessity or for their choice. This is subjected to be under the fourth stage of aging. The issue of age discrimination is considered to be majorly attributed toward discrimination of older people that directly put up aging factor as a major constraint. In light of this, there stay both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages stay in alignment of second age where the urge of working is finalised for necessity meeting, and the disadvantage stays with relevance to third age.

Part B: Have your ideas about your own aging changed after studying Block 3? Explain how and why your ideas have changed or, if your ideas have not changed, why that is.

Few of my ideas changed while sustaining the chapters of Block 3. After reading the blocks, the feeling becomes different regarding the age compared with that of chronological age. With respect to that, I can place myself in the second aging category. At some point in time, I incur myself to be older as compared to the rest of my days as I find myself with disrupting health and that of degrading hair colours. On contrary, I sometimes find myself younger enough that contradicts with the previous thought of me getting older against my chronological age. However, the factor of aging somehow triggers the fact that I am equipped with more knowledge and wisdom as for becoming old.

However, in context of aging, the idea of mine has somehow changed regarding the life prospering. In case of availability of larger and diverse group, there are chances of me to be having more experiences on a wider range. Experiences such as no independence or loss of memories are some factors that are positive on account of aging. In addition, the fear also subtends in me regarding body changes which are subjective to disappointment. This is subjective to hinder thoughts of having growth through chronological age as compared with that of biological age.

Reference list

Bultena, G. L., & Powers, E. A. (1978). Denial of aging: Age identification and reference group orientations. Journal of gerontology, 33(5), 748-754.

Butler, R. N., & Lewis, M. I. (1973). Aging & mental health: Positive psychosocial approaches. CV Mosby.

Bytheway, B., & Johnson, J. (2010). An ageing population and apocalyptic demography. Radical Statistics, 100, 4-10.

Grenier, A. (2012). Transitions and the Lifecourse: Challenging the Constructions of'growing Old'. Policy Press.

Howlett, S. (2009). Setting the scene: The landscape of volunteering. Volunteers in hospice and palliative care, 11-19.

Jones, R. L. (2011). Imagining old age. Adult lives: A life course perspective, 18-26.

Lain, D., (2012). Working past 65 in the UK and the USA: segregation into ‘Lopaq’occupations?. Work, employment and society, 26(1), pp.78-94.

Laslett, P. (1989). Reading 13.1 A fresh map of life. The Open University (eds)(2014) Block, 3.

Loretto, W., & White, P. (2006). Employers' attitudes, practices and policies towards older workers. Human resource management journal, 16(3), 313-330.

Midwinter, E. (2005). How many people are there in the third age?. Ageing & Society, 25(1), 9-18.

Noon, M., Blyton, P., and Morrell, K. (2013). The realities of work: Experiencing work and employment in contemporary society. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Radl, J. (2012). Too old to work, or too young to retire? The pervasiveness of age norms in Western Europe. Work, employment and society, 26(5), 755-771.

Simpson, M., Richardson, M., & Zorn, T. E. (2012). A job, a dream or a trap? Multiple meanings for encore careers. Work, employment and society, 26(3), 429-446.

Taylor, P. ed., (2013). Older workers in an ageing society: Critical topics in research and policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Wellard, S. (2012). Older people as grandparents: how public policy needs to broaden its view of older people and the role they play within families. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 13(4), 257-263.


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