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Table of Contents

Part 1: Reflection on ‘Coming into the Murdoch community’ 3

Part 2: What the literature says about the art of ‘coming into a new community’ 6

References. 9


Part 1: Reflection on ‘Coming into the Murdoch community’

In the indulgence factor, which is related to the engagement in Murdoch University, I was very much excited due to the factor that I was thinking that I would experience new learning. The main motive, which was prevailing within me, was in the area of a gathering of knowledge, which would be helping me in the near life, and academic area (Ott & Michailova, 2018). In the indulgence factor of the new community, I can say that I was entering into a new area of knowledge gaining which according to me would be very much beneficial in the gaining of knowledge and learning skills.

According to me, whenever a person enters into a new community there can be a different form of challenges, which can be faced. These challenge area had to be overcome in a minor framework and mostly getting used to the community was one of the most important aspects. My background was English so that the sector of communication, which is seen in the sector, was not a major problem, which is encountered. The place, which I was trying to indulgence, had a diversity, which I linked to the engagement of different cultures, which would be directly affecting the sector of operation, which can be directly beneficial for any common people. According to the recent survey, it can be stated that the Perth is known as the area, which can be adopted, by any of the nationalism people without any form of the major problem being seen in the sector. It can be seen that most of the Asian migrant to try to indulge into a new community does face different forms of language barrier problem but in my case, I have seen that the problem which I encountered was very much minimum which can be easily be mitigated.

The factor of value relating to the engagement area of any country can be one of the important factors, which can be stated in the context of indulging and communication.  This problem from my end was majorly faced when I was trying to engage myself in different communication areas with friends and college professors. The medium of respect when dealing with the area of communication with the teachers and professors was one of the most interesting areas, which I faced in Murdoch University.  The respect giving area which is seen in most of the area of communication can be considered to be very much important according to me due to the factor that it would be showing respect to the professional people as they would be involved in delivering of knowledge in the different knowledge areas. Reaching out to the professor by their name is one of the most common practices, which can be seen in the sector so according to me indulging myself in this type of practice was difficult from my end. In this context, I can say that indulging in this pattern of working was very much time consuming from my end (Noe et al., 2017). I order to achieve my target I directly assigned myself with a target so that the communication area, which I would be indulging into, can be enhanced and optimized. Such factors according to me are very much crucial which can directly affect the working and the engagement factor, which is, related to the gathering of knowledge in a particular area. In this area of a continuous factor of engagement so that future sustainability factor can be included can be considered very much important in the future of gathering of knowledge.

In the Murdoch University, one of the things, which directly attracted me, is the welcoming of the new students in the culture. In this context, it can be seen that there can be different types of problem, which can be encountered within the indulgence factor, and each of the factors can play a significant role in the sector of engagement. In order to gather the attention of the new joins, there are different types of activity, which are performed within the sector. Which can be linked to the shops in front of the Bush court, which directly included the selling of different items such as pencil, books (Storybooks and notebook) and other necessary items, which are needed from the end of the student? This has helped me in different ways, which directly affected the knowledge gain area of me, and according to me, it can also affect the life of the other students as well. The engagement criteria would be directly allowing the different students to directly be engaged in different criteria of gaining knowledge and they would be felling wanted in the sector of working.

The working environment in an institute should be directly being aligned with the need of the students so that the students do not face any form of problem in the context of engaging in the different criteria of a gathering of knowledge. Coming up with the different areas of changes and helping a way to get indulged in the new area in a small time framework is one of the most important sectors which should be focused in the domain (Ramsey & Lorenz, 2016). The way or the pattern which can be used in the sector can be considered to be very much important due to the fact that if the wrong strategy which included in the overcoming the issue it can be a time-consuming factor.

At the end of the discussion, I can say that different culture has different working areas involved and each of the areas has certain factor and issue involved in it. One of the important points, which can be stated, is how and by when the issues and the problems can be mitigated so that better area of working can be included in the learning environment. Thinking in a positive manner is a crucial concept, which should be included in the domain.

Part 2: What the literature says about the art of ‘coming into a new community’

Relating to the coming into a new community it can be considered that there can be different forms of barriers, which can be seen in the involvement. In the area, it can be stated that the criteria of engagement and how the match with the different culture would be made are one of the points, which can be focused on the domain. In the area, it can be stated that there are many issues, which can enforce the normal functionality of the engagement, but for an individual finding, a solution on how to overcome the aspect can be stated to be very much important. The phrase “engagement is an individual characteristic” means that when an individual wants to get indulged in the area of working it should be always be focused that they can quickly get indulged in the working so that they can match with the cultural difference area.

In the area of indulging, it can be stated that the criteria of self-rejection can be one of the important aspects which can be focused on the domain. If an individual faced any form of rejection in the area of working, it can be considered that the individual should possess the mentality, which would be helping them to get back from the situation and be engaged in a proper manner.

According to (Malinen & Savolainen, 2016) there are few points, which should be focused in the domain of coming into a new community, which are stated below:

  • Surprise to a context of opportunity
  • Being directly rejected from a sector.
  • String felling of not getting what an individual wants to achieve.
  • Alteration of the standard of working according to the need of the culture
  • Adjustment, which makes an individual to get involved in the new culture

Each of the points which are stated above can be considered to be playing a significant role which would be directly attaining a standard of life which would be beneficial for their factor of sustainability. If an individual takes into focus the points which are stated above it can be stated that the criteria of engagement would not be a direct problem seen in the context of dwelling into the normal working areas of life.   

The factor of leading a normal life in the context of the new community can be considered as one of the most important factors. Hence, the factor of managing of the problems and implementing a proper orientation of life, which would be directly helping in the sector of managing of the academic learning and skills, is one of the crucial areas, which can be lead to the betterment of life. In the area, it can be considered that culture shock is one of the areas, which can be an issue in the management of a standard of life. In the area, it can be stated proper mentality should be maintained in the sector of working so that there is no problem in the area of engagement (Mittelmeier et al., 2018). The concept of culture shock or cultural misbalance can be seen in any area of working and in most of the cases the individual can directly intend to fall in the tarp which can directly impact the leading of a proper life of an individual. In the context, proper cross-cultural interaction can be stated to be very much important which can impact the manner in which an individual would be portraying his or her own life (Malinen & Savolainen, 2016). The management area is very much crucial so that the level of engagement in the cultural difference area can be optimal.

One of the important factors, which can be stated here, is the area of participation of the different activities, which would be directly helping the individual to get involved in the culture. Moreover, it can be stated that the factor of how an individual would be interacting and communicating with the new standard of culture is very much important. Hence, the factor of involving different activity of the new culture would be helping them to get an idea of the perspective of the working, which is included in the domain. Moreover, the area of what is the difference area relating to the context of the native culture and the new culture is also important. If the area of difference is taken into consideration in a proper manner, it can be helpful in the area of sustainability, which is seen in the sector of working. Moreover, the factor of how the life balancing and cultural balancing aspects are taken into consideration is also important which would be helping the advancement of the leading of a better life. The characteristics of an individual can be considered important and how an individual would be indulging himself or herself in the different activity of the new culture is an important factor.

At the end of the research, I can say that the factor of cultural different according to me an important point which should be focused on the domain. This is due to the factor that according to my personal experience at Murdoch University being engaged in the sector of working and including an individual in the different standard of culture is very much important. There can be different types of problem seen in the sector but one of the important factors, which can be stated here, is linked to the factor of how the management of the cultural difference would be tacked and how it would be helping in the future learning and engagement area. The knowledge area and the factor of skills are an important factors, which should be undertaken from the end of the individual so that the factor of involving themselves and overcoming the area of cultural difference can be easy, be matched (Engle & Delohery, 2016). The area of matching can be considered as an option of the individual and how they would be managing and what steps they would be taking is totally under their control.


Engle, R., & Delohery, A. (2016). Cultural Intelligence’s Impact on Cross-Cultural Problem-Solving Performance. Double Helix4.

Jamaludin, N. L., Sam, D. L., Sandal, G. M., & Adam, A. A. (2018). The influence of perceived discrimination, orientation to mainstream culture and life satisfaction on destination loyalty intentions: the case of international students. Current Issues in Tourism21(8), 934-949.

Mak, A. S., Bodycott, P., & Ramburuth, P. (2015). Beyond host language proficiency: Coping resources predicting international students’ satisfaction. Journal of Studies in International Education19(5), 460-475.

Malinen, O. P., & Savolainen, H. (2016). The effect of perceived school climate and teacher efficacy in behavior management on job satisfaction and burnout: A longitudinal study. Teaching and Teacher Education60, 144-152.

Mittelmeier, J., Rienties, B., Tempelaar, D., & Whitelock, D. (2018). Overcoming cross-cultural group work tensions: mixed student perspectives on the role of social relationships. Higher Education75(1), 149-166.

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Ott, D. L., & Michailova, S. (2018). Cultural intelligence: A review and new research avenues. International Journal of Management Reviews20(1), 99-119.

Ramsey, J. R., & Lorenz, M. P. (2016). Exploring the impact of cross-cultural management education on cultural intelligence, student satisfaction, and commitment. Academy of Management Learning & Education15(1), 79-99.


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