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Table of Contents

Question 1. 3

Part 1. 3

Part 2. 4

Part 3. 4

Part 4. 4

Part 5. 5

References. 7

Question 1

Ethics can be considered as a domain of working which can be related to the conduction of different activity in an ethical manner without any form of problem seen in the working. The main role of ethics in the Australian society can be related to the proper area of working of the individual, which does not possess any harm to individual or the society.

Part 1

  1. The concept, which is related to the factor of deontology, can be considered as an area in science, which is related to the factor of logos. Relating to the modern field of philosophy it can be considered that deontology is one of the fields, which directly impacts the factor of normative theories regarding the choice of forbidden or permitted area. On the other hand, it can be stated that the concept falls within the domain of moral theories that directly guide and access the choice which is related to what kind of person an individual is and what the choices which are prevailing within the domain of working. It is one of the concepts, which directly impacts the morality of an individual and the area of indulgence which is related to the concept.
  2. Consequentialism can be considered as a term which is related to the factor of the different views which are prevailing in the normative properties which directly depend only on the factor of consequentialism about the mortal rightness which is related to the act of providing an area of indulgence in the life of a common people (Everett et al., 2014). The mainfactor, which can be considered here, is related to the factor that whether an activity, which is related to a person, is right or wrong and how it would be directly impacting the future which isprevailing in the sector.

Part 2

In the section of the activity which is seen it can be considered that the consumption of marijuana is one of the unethical activity which is being undertaken from the end of the elderly person. So it can be considered that according to me the elderly person is not posing any threatto the society, on the other hand, he is including damaging to himself. In the area, I would be directly engaging with the elder person and he about the sideeffects of the area of consumptionand how it can directly hamper the overall society condition (Bostyn & Roets, 2017). In most of the cases, these people tend to get other people also engaged in the same type of activity, which can directly impact the condition of society.

Part 3

Consequentialism is a theory of ethics which can be included in the domain of working which is due to the factor that there are different consequences which can be affected in the activity which is being posted from the end of the elderly person. In most of the cases, it can be considered that the actions can lead to deformation of the working of the overall society and hamper the young generation activity which is prevailing in the sector of consumption of the marijuana.

Part 4

  1. One of the most important questions which can be stated in the domain is related to the scenario can be related to the factor of how should be police officer do relating to the facto of the elder person who is indulged in the different factor of working (Robinson et al., 2015). In this context, it can be considered that each if the question, which can be rising from the sector, is related to the factor of engagement and how they would be directly helping the domain of execution of the duty. It can be considere3d that it is the duty of the police personnel to take care of the situation and implement necessary planning which is related to the area of operation.
  2. One of the possible impacts which can be seen in the sector is related to the factor of problem creation within the society and in most of the cases, it can be seen that it directly dexterities the area of working of the different normal activity of the society. Hence the QPS in the concept can be directly liable if they do not undertake any form of mitigation plan relating to the aspect of the elder person.
  3. The elder person in the context of operation can be stated to be stopping the consumption of marijuana in public place. This would be directly affecting the working ordination and in most of cases help in the area of a gathering of belief in society and helping the society to excel in different working areas (Persson, 2017). Hence, the main alternative is to stop the activity which is included in the scenario which is provided.

Part 5

  1. The part of working which is seen in the context is that consumption of marijuana in public place is one of the factors which should be avoided. In the sector of legal aspect, it can be considered that it is an unethical activity which should estopped which would be directly impacting the sector of public offense area (Robinson, 2017). In most of the condition, it can be considered that there are various segments which are covered from the end of the operation and in most of the cases the person who isconsumption the marijuana is liable for punishment which can even lead to different forms of penalty which is related to fine or imprisonment.
  2. The main nature, which is related to the factor, is linked to the factor of controlling the consumption of different materials, which are not ethicalin public area. This can directly lead to the factor of controlling of the computation so that the society is safe.
  3. The importance of the principle to the public can be considered crucial due to the factor that there is different responsibility, which should be prevailing in the mind of the officers (Quong, 2018). The main intention, which is stated in the domain, is related to the condition of the different actors, which would be directly helping them to achieve a standard of operation in the society, which would be directly safeguarding the society and the working which is related to the different criteria of indulgence.


Bostyn, D. H., & Roets, A. (2017). An asymmetric moral conformity effect: Subjects conform to deontological but not consequentialist majorities. Social Psychological and Personality Science8(3), 323-330.

Capraro, V., Sippel, J., Zhao, B., Hornischer, L., Savary, M., Terzopoulou, Z., ... & Griffioen, S. (2017). Are kantians better social partners? people making deontological judgments are perceived to be more prosocial than they actually are.

Everett, J. A., Faber, N. S., Savulescu, J., & Crockett, M. J. (2018). The costs of being consequentialist: Social inference from instrumental harm and impartial beneficence. Journal of experimental social psychology79, 200-216.

Persson, I. (2017). What Consequentialism Is Not. In The Good, the Right, Life and Death (pp. 135-148). Routledge.

Quong, J. (2018). Consequentialism, Deontology, Contractualism, and Equality. The Oxford Handbook of Distributive Justice, 306.

Robinson, J. S. (2017). Beyond'Passion Versus Reason': Identifying Person and Feature Attributes that Predict Deontological and Consequentialist Moral Judgment (Doctoral dissertation).

Robinson, J. S., Page-Gould, E., & Plaks, J. E. (2017). I appreciate your effort: Asymmetric effects of actors' exertion on observers' consequentialist versus deontological judgments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology73, 50-64.

Walker, M. (2018). Consequentialism, Deontology, and Artificial Intelligence Safety. In Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security (pp. 411-421). Chapman and Hall/CRC.


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