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The topic of the essay is how to write literature reviews on human resource development. Human resource development review sometimes is considered as an integrative literature review. An integrative literature review is a unique form of research. It offers knowledge and information about the selected topic for review. Human resource development review is a high qualitative and non-empirical manuscript (Massaro, Dumay, & Garlatti, 2015). It also gives importance on article review. Literature review is considered as one of the most important steps in research. The main purpose of a literature review is to convey the readers of the research paper about the previous work and share knowledge about the topic which was already written on a particular research topic (Rose, 2016). Literature review is a time taking task but every successful research needs to add a literature review in the research paper. Literature review is a complete summary of previous researches on a particular topic (Bernardo, Simon, Tarí, & Molina-Azorín, 2015). It provides surveys on scholarly articles, books and other sources which are relevant to the selected topic of research. The essay will be based on five major sections. These sections will identify and describe the topic of the research article. The essay will also address the key questions which the article addresses. The essay will discuss the significance of the question and describe the major findings. It will discuss the significance of the findings for future communication research. A thesis statement of the essay is that literature review has some key characteristics which make a literature review unique. Now, the next section will describe about literature review.

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Literature review is a report after evaluation of information in the selected research paper. Buettner (2015) defined that literature review describes, summarizes, evaluates and clarifies previous researches of the literature. According to Callahan (2014), a literature review is considered as a precursor to a research paper introduction. Sometimes a literature review can be an entire paper itself. A literature review is a first step of a research paper and allows the supervisor to guide his/her students to stay on the right path. A literature review is always a critical part of research paper. It evaluates a previous research paper from depth. It summarizes a particular topic of research. It allows everydbody to understand why they are pursuing this research topic (Thoman & Lloyd, 2018). A good literature review always consists of a research question and provides explanation on the reason behind selecting that question. A literature review identifies research problem and develops research questions. An effective literature review identifies research gaps. It describes strengths and weaknesses of previous research paper (Dumay, Bernardi, Guthrie, & Demartini, 2016). Literature can be reviewd from two types of sources- primary source and secondary source. Literature review mainly done with the help of primary sources. Primary source is written by an individual who conducts the research. Primary sources are found in published literature. Examples of primary sources are manuscripts, diaries, interviews, records, autobiographies and speeches. Secondary sources are description of studies that are created by other than the original researcher (Torraco, 2016). The secondary sources are used when there is no primary source available. Some examples of secondary sources are text books, journal articles, histories, encyclopedia and commentaries. There are some steps of conducting literature reviews. It starts with selecting a topic, then understanding thematic organization, thirdly, more reading so that the researcher can understand the topic well, then analyzing and interpreting the literature,  and lastly ends with writing review in integrating sections. Literature review develops hypothesis for the research paper and research instrument for current research paper (Qadir & Agrawal, 2017). Literature review helps to plan methodology for the present research topic. Literature review identifies research design and data collection methods for research paper. The purpose of a literature review is to provide previous research information and knowledge to the students. The next part will identify the question which the article addresses.

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This section is about the main questions that are addressed in the article. The first question is what constitutes a good literature review article? A good literature review has five characteristics- concise, clear, critical, convincing and contributive. These are known as five C’s of literature review characteristics (Callahan, 2014). A concise literature review states the topic in a brief way so that readers do not need to spend much time for reading. Clarity of literature review means the sources from where the research has been done should be authentic. The literature review must provide information clearly (Hilbert, 2016). A good literature review always consists of critical reflection and critical analysis. Critical reflection is a reasoning process that makes the meaning of an experience. Critical analysis is to criticizes the literature review. Literature review should include convincing arguemnt after critical analysis is done. A good literature review has the ability to contribute new knowledge so that a new theory can be created. A good literature review uses six W’s of literature review methods (Hill & Hunter, 1966). These are- who, when, where, how, what and why. Here who means the person who searches data. This person may be the researcher or the authors or the assistants or the research team. When defines the time of data collection. Where defines the sources from the data is collected. How states the procedures by which the researcher collects the data. What means the findings after the collection and research. Why refers the reason for choosing the method of data collection. The second question is what is the most common form of literature review that is used in human resource development review? According to Callahan, (2014), there are five types of literature review for research paper. These are narrative literature review, systematic literature review, argumentive literature review, integrative literature review, and theoritical literature review. Narrative literature review mainly criticizes a literature and then summarizes the body of the literature. It identifies research gaps and draws conclusions of the research topic. Systematic review is a complete and detailed review of selected literature. In 20th century, the systematic review became one of the first explicitly recognized form of literature review (Ledesma, C, & Reio Jr, 2016). Argumentive literature review examine a literature to counter or support an argument. Integrative literature review first criticizes and then synthesizes collected secendory data about the selected research topic so that a new framework is generated on the research topic. Theoritical literature review is a larger theory which identifies issues, theory, phenomena and concept of the topic elaborately. This kind of literature review is a key factor in research. It develops new hypothesis after investigating the factors. Human resource development review is an integrative literature review. Hecklau, Galeitzke, Flachs, & Kohl, (2016) argued that human resource development review sometimes accepts methodological reviews, historical reviews, conceptual reviews. The next section will discuss the significance of the questions.

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The previous section identifies the questions that the article addresses. In this section, the significance of the questions will be discussed. A good literature review is significant for every human resource development review as this provide knowledge about human resource development (Jamali, Dirani, & Harwood, 2015). A literature review first synthesizes the existing literature on the particular topic as they improve decision-making ability. Literature reviews identify research gaps and synergies within the existing literature. A good literature review is important in publication as many high-impact exclusive journals only publish review articles and an article with maximum references is useful for both readers and other authors (Qadir & Agrawal, 2017). This type of articles enhances reputation of the publication house. The significance of the second question is that if a literature review uses most effective form of literature review then human resource development review will consist of important information and knowledge. An integrative literature review is considered as one of the most comprehensive methodological approach of literature review in present day (Ledesma, C, & Reio Jr, 2016). It consists of both experimental and non-experimental studies. It includes theoretical literature data to make the literature review rigorous. These key characteristics make a literature review unique. The best form of literature review makes a human resource development review effective (Tranfield, Denyer, & Smart, 2003). The next section will describe the major findings.

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In this section, the major findings of this essay are addressed. The first question was about the qualitiesof  a good literature review article. It is found that a good literature review has five characteristics- concise, clear, critical, convincing and contributive. These are known as five C’s of literature review characteristics. These are concise, clear, critical, convincing and contributive. There are also six W’s of literature review methods. These are who, when, where, how, what and why. The findings from the second question is that there are various types of literature reviews which are used in human resource development review. Some arguments are also found out in the article. There are five types of literature review for research paper. These are narrative literature review, systematic literature review, argumentive literature review, integrative literature review, and theoritical literature review (Callahan, 2014). Hecklau, Galeitzke, Flachs, & Kohl, (2016) argued that human resource development review sometimes accepts methodological reviews, historical reviews, conceptual reviews. The next section will describe the significance of the findings.

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These findings are significant for future communication research or management communication practices for many reasons. The characteristics of literature review make a literature review highly effective research paper so the researchers use this paper for their future research. A good literature review is helpful in future communication research as a researcher can get a new interpretation of old material. It also traces research gaps (Wee & Banister, 2016). With the use of rigorous literature review, future researcher can conduct future research. In management communication, managers also use these research articles or human resource development reviews for training purpose. With the help of human resource development, organizations can analyze actual problems. A good literature review can be helpful in preventing future problems if the review is on human resource development (Torraco, 2016). Management communication practices are also influenced by literature review. The next section is the conclusion where a capstone statement will be provided.

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A good literature review is important because it describes how the present research is related to the previous research. It also finds out research gaps of the current research. Human resource development research uses integrative literature review. The capstone statement of the essay is that five C’s of literature review characteristics and six W’s of literature review methods make a human resource development review unique and best.

Reference List

Bernardo, M., Simon, A., Tarí, J. J., & Molina-Azorín, J. F. (2015). Benefits of management systems integration: a literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production , 94, 260-267.

Buettner, R. (2015). A systematic literature review of crowdsourcing research from a human resource management perspective. 8th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 4609-4618). IEEE.

Callahan, J. L. (2014). Writing literature reviews. Human Resource Development Review , 13 (3), 271-275.

Dumay, J., Bernardi, C., Guthrie, J., & Demartini, P. (2016). Integrated reporting: a structured literature review. In Accounting Forum , 40 (3), 166-185.

Hecklau, F., Galeitzke, M., Flachs, S., & Kohl, H. (2016). Holistic approach for human resource management in Industry 4.0. Procedia Cirp , 54, 1-6.

Hilbert, M. (2016). Big data for development: A review of promises and challenges. Development Policy Review , 34 (1), 135-174.

Hill, W. J., & Hunter, W. G. (1966). A review of response surface methodology: a literature survey. Technometrics , 8 (4), 571-590.

Jamali, D. R., Dirani, A. M., & Harwood, I. A. (2015). Exploring human resource management roles in corporate social responsibility: the CSR‐HRM co‐creation model. Business Ethics: A European Review , 24 (2), 125-143.

Ledesma, O., C, C., & Reio Jr, T. G. (2016). Interventions for Women With Postpartum Depression Symptoms: An Integrative Literature Review for Human Resource Development. Human Resource Development Review , 15 (2), 131-150.

Massaro, M., Dumay, J., & Garlatti, A. (2015). Public sector knowledge management: a structured literature review. Journal of Knowledge Management , 19 (3), 530-558.

Qadir, A., & Agrawal, S. (2017). HR Transformation through Human Resource Information System: Review of Literature. Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management , 6 (1), 30.

Rose, K. (2016). Examining organizational citizenship behavior in the context of human resource development: An integrative review of the literature. Human Resource Development Review , 15 (3), 295-316.

Thoman, D., & Lloyd, R. (2018). A Review of the Literature on Human Resource Development: Leveraging HR as Strategic Partner in the High Performance Organization. Journal of International & Interdisciplinary Business Research , 5 (1), 147-160.

Torraco, R. J. (2016). Writing integrative literature reviews: Using the past and present to explore the future. Human Resource Development Review , 15 (4), 404-428.

Tranfield, D., Denyer, D., & Smart, P. (2003). Towards a methodology for developing evidence‐informed management knowledge by means of systematic review. British journal of management , 14 (3), 207-222.

Wee, B. V., & Banister, D. (2016). How to write a literature review paper? Transport Reviews , 36 (2), 278-288.


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