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  • MyAssignmentHelpAu
  • 25 Feb 2020

International law is also considered to be the law of public law or the laws of countries. This term of international law was put forth first by the popular philosopher Jeremy Bentham and according to him, international law is made up of many rules that take care of the relations between different nations.

International law applies to both individuals and organizations. It is not just a collection of rules and regulations but rather a collection of principles, assertions, and practices. The structure and processes of international law are becoming more and more sophisticated. This is the reason that students studying international law have to study very hard in order to understand it. Most of the students don’t find time to do their assignments due to the hectic schedule of classes due to the need to take professional international law assignment help.

International law is an independent system that is not affected by the legal systems of different countries. It is in many ways separate from the legal system of countries in many different ways. For instance, although the United Nations as an organization consists of 190 countries by the law coined by this organization is not legally binding as the UN does not have the power to issue binding laws. IT is more of a recommendation other than times when some specific cases are concerned or for purposes like deciding on the budget of UN, including any new members in the United Nations and in the functioning of the united nations security council. There are no bona fide courts either in the system of public international law.

No police

There is no international police which can make the individuals or countries follow the law. At the same time, there is no highest judicial authority. The United Nations security council can sometimes use force to make states follow international law, but in this case, there must be an act of violation of aggression before that by the particular state. This action can most of the time be vetoed – negated - by anyone of the five main and permanent members of the security council. There is no UN military, hence the force of the UN is made from the forces of the member countries. Business law is very different from international law and students studying business law should opt for business law assignment help. The professional companies that provide help for writing business law assignments also provide help for international law assignments.

International relations

International law decides the formation of international relations. In the case of different international situations, countries usually consult international law. A lot of attention is paid to the violations of international laws. Countries are usually careful not to go against the rules and principles because if they don’t do so then the international community will regard them negatively. Only in very rare cases, military means are resorted to in order to enforce international law. Even economic sanctions are not that common. The countries that do not follow the international law decided by the UN are usually looked down upon and they lose credibility in the international community which will affect their future relations with other states. This is the reason if a country violates a treaty then the other countries may also violate treaties which will be harmful to the original violator. It is also known to the countries that regular violation of rules will put into jeopardy the values international law brings to the community of the countries, international companies and individuals. This is the reason that there is predictability, certainty and a being of common welfare in the matters between countries that are derived from the set of rules as specified by the public international law. The public international law also provides a basic outline within which all international interactions take place.

Terms to keep in mind

Ambassador – An ambassador is a government official that acts as a go-between for two countries.

The international court of justice – this is the judicial arm of the UN which acts as a dispute solving between two countries, but as mentioned above these decisions taken by the international court of justice are not legally binding. In the sense that usually there is no military action against the defaulter on an international level.

Interpol – Interpol acts as international police but this policy is meant to deal with international criminals and not take any actions against any country organization or individual who does not follow international law.

Security council – This council is a committee that decides whether the particular situation will pose a threat to international security.

Most individuals do not have to deal with international laws. However, it is an interesting subject and many people take an interest in studying international law. These students are the ones who take professional law assignment help from companies that provide such help. The people who deal with international laws are the legal teams of large international organizations or international victims of human rights violations.

However, it is a good thing to know the basics of international law which is useful knowledge. At the same time, people who make it their career in large international organizations also need to understand and know international laws. International treaties are formed in the shadow of the international laws and the international market place is also governed to a major extent by international law.

If you need international law assignment help, then My Assignment Help Au is the right place for you. If you have a look at our prices, then you will find that they are actually very affordable. Additionally, you can always expect a discount. It never means that we will sacrifice the quality for the sake of giving you a lower price. All the credit goes to the capacity and flexibility of our team for offering you exactly what you require. Our customer support team is also very supportive. Feel free to get in touch with the agents to share your concerns before or after taking our assignment writing services.

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