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  • MyAssignmentHelpAu
  • 19 Feb 2019

Students are stressed out with exams, completing coursework, part-time job, building up their careers, financial constraint,s, etc. They face physical and emotional disorders due to unhealthy lifestyles. The work culture makes them the victim of anxiety, insomnia, and digestive disorder. This, in turn, affects the learning ability.

Practicing yoga is a great source to provide calmness and reduce pressure among the students. It helps in building a healthier mind and body and improves the power of the students to concentrate more on their studies. It also results in improving lung capability, boosting memory, enhancing posture, developing a positive attitude towards life, and discovering ways to reach heights. Therefore, educational institutions should accept yoga in their daily routine.

Following are the ways in which yoga is helpful for you.

  • Provide relaxation: Your life, as a student is very challenging as you have to jump between studies and work, and also devote time to extra-curricular activities. Practicing yoga will help you relax your mind. It will also provide clarity of thoughts and provide solutions to reduce your stress.
  • Relief anxiety: Many people practice yoga to overcome their feeling of anxiety. A study found out that the people who practice yoga have less anxiety disorder as compared to others. You should practice yoga to reduce your symptoms of anxiety. This will also help you in enjoying a peaceful life.
  • Improve health: Like running and cycling, yoga also provides huge health benefits. Some types of yoga concentrate on stretching, while others focus on cardiovascular workouts. It strengthens your body, lowers blood pressure, and improves blood circulation. Overall. It helps you to maintain their health and fitness.
  • Manage stress: You have to deal with a number of activities such as giving exams, scoring good grades, care yourself and your family, completing coursework, finding friends for yourself. All these activities cause stress within you. Attending yoga helps you to reduce all this stress and transform you into a better human being.
  • Become more mindful: When your brain stops working, yoga is really helpful to you. Make yoga a part of your daily activity and slowly, you will find improvement in yourself. It will teach you how to be more mindful and you can implement it in various areas of life.
  • Improve memory: Students are required to use a lot of their memory and yoga is helpful in improving it. Improving memory helps you to concentrate on your studies and understand the concepts easily. This, in turn, helps you to fetch good grades and transform you into a better student.
  • Improve posture: You have to sit on a desk for long hours which affects your breathing capacity and leads to body pain. Yoga helps you to improve your body posture and provide relief from the pain. It also increases your body stamina and flexibility and brings positive changes in your mood.
  • Reduce inflammation: Inflammation leads to the development of diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer. A study done in 2017 found out that the people who practiced yoga had lower chances of heart diseases than others. Thus, yoga provides protection to you against diseases resulting from chronic inflammation.
  • Improve life quality: Yoga results in improving the quality of life you are living. Improving life quality is possible due to a reduction in the symptoms of stress and anxiety. If you are stressed-free, you can achieve academic success and thus, you will be able to find a high paid and respectable job for yourself.
  • Fight against depression: You are often feel depressed due to exam burden and submitting assignments within the deadline. Yoga is helpful in reducing the symptoms of depression as it controls the level of stress hormone. Once you are able to overcome your depression, you will be able to study hard and score good grades.
  • Improve sleep quality: Yoga makes you tired and as a result, you crave a good sleep. Good quality sleep allows you to wake up fresh and concentrate more in your classes. It also reduces the chances of obesity, depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure within you.
  • Promote healthy eating habits: Yoga encourages mindful eating within you. Mindful eating enables you to pay attention to the texture, smell, and taste of the food that promote healthy eating habits. These eating habits will help you in reducing eating disorders, controlling blood pressure and weight.
  • Increase self-confidence: Yoga increases the connectivity of your brain with your mind. It will also help you to aware of your body, enhance your alignment and accept yourself in the way you are. In the long run, you will feel comfortable with your body and you will feel self-confident.
  • Develop healthy relationships: Yoga is also helpful in improving your relationships with others. If your mind is relaxed and happy, you will be able to tackle sensitive issues with your family, friends, and relatives. Gradually, you will observe an improvement in your relationships with others.
  • Improve creativity: Yoga allows you to think out of the box that improves your creativity. It allows you to come up with new ideas that you can apply in real-world situations. These ideas will help in finding a better job as employers look for creativity in their employees.
  • Develop adaptive ability: You are living in a dynamic world and thus, you are unable to recognize future conditions, especially in the job market. Yoga improves the adaptive ability within you that allows you to survive in dynamic conditions and maintain a decent standard of living.

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